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DL-フェニルアラニン 750mg 60タブレット (海外直送品)

価格: ¥1,617
カテゴリ: ヘルスケア&ケア用品
ブランド: ソースナチュラルズ(Source Naturals)
Source Naturals DLPA DL-Phenylalanine 750mg, Supports an Alert State, 60 Tablets
60 tabs
A 50/50 blend of the D- and L-forms of the amino acid phenylalanine;Phenylalanine is one of the few amino acids that can be utilized in its D- form;Researchers believe DPA inhibits the action of an enzyme that breaks down endorphins and enkephalins;DPA may extend the life of endorphins and enkephalins, and their positive influence on comfort levels;LPA is the precursor to two neurotransmitters that help support an alert state