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Money: DontBeStupid.club Answers to Budgeting, Debt and Other Personal Finance Questions (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: ITSUS Press
Money can make you happy. Or not. It all depends on you.

Most money decisions are bad. They're made without critical thinking. Stupid is normal these days when it comes to money. People just keep paying without thinking until the stress wears them out.

Wouldn't it be better to Think For Yourself? Stop doing what everyone else does and start making better money decisions. Your money can make you happy if you know how to use it.

This is not the same advice you get everywhere else. This is for when you realize all that commonly repeated BS is not what's best for you. It's your money. You don't have to do what everyone else does. Why not Think For Yourself and choose your own course?

This book will give you a real world understanding of money. Some people call it "street smart". Whatever you call it, you will make better decisions because reality makes a better foundation.

For example; When did qualifying for a mortgage become the guide for buying a house? That's just stupid... read our book and you'll know the reality.

How about budgeting? Expense tracking sounds smart and the apps are easy to write, so you get plenty of advice to do it. But wouldn't you rather budget simply and effectively? That's how you make your life better instead of wasting time.

And investing? You don't really think anyone playing at home beats Wall Street, do you? Wall Street is more profitable than ever. If you are playing their game then you are just paying their salaries. Think for Yourself and invest where you get the best real returns.

Our books use critical thinking to make life better. And when you think critically about money, you get different answers from the rest of the herd.

We Simplify and we keep it fun. Money is just another tool we use to live. Once you understand it, money is just another hammer in the toolbox.

Why not spend a couple of hours with us and be wealthier for the rest of your life? You already know that's a good investment. Read now and be smarter with your money forever. HGJ