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Stuart McRobert's New Brawn Series - Book #1

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: CS Publishing
Imagine being an expert on what's arguably the most famous routine for building muscle mass, and the fastest way to build the foundation for the bigger leaner body you crave.
Well now you can, with the 216-page book How to Build up to 50 Pounds of Muscle the Natural Way. 
This natural bodybuilding book provides the most complete, up-to-date and personalized guidance on how to apply this fabulous weight training routine. It includes the routine's history in brief, the modernization of it, the essential foundation phase, the special training schedules, how to train (including exercise technique in great detail), the components of recuperation (including nutrition), and two inspiring illustrations of how to put the routine into practice.
It also provides a brief overview of all the training fundamentals you need to know, to bring you quickly up to speed even if you've not yet read any of Stuart's other books.
If you've already read one or more of Stuart's other works, this one will remind you of the most essential background information, pump you up to implement the legendary workout routine properly, and reinvigorate your bodybuilding progress.
Before anabolic steroids infested the bodybuilding world, variations of the legendary routine were famous, popular, and responsible for building tons of muscle. But in the 1960s, the popularity of the routine waned. 
Today, when people try to apply the routine, they usually make a mess of it. It's essential that you apply it properly.
Whether you're just starting strength training, or you're a training veteran, if you want to build muscle quickly, and lots of it, this is the book for you.
Become your own expert personal trainer.
Buy this book now and become an expert on what's arguably the most famous routine for building lots of muscle mass quickly.