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Survivalist Family: Prepared Americans for a Strong America (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: International Localization Network
All too often, so many of the preparedness books written in the last decade have been what I call a “book of lists.” Usually these are just lists of things to purchase. New people come into the movement and too frequently the question is asked, “What do I need to buy?” While I’m in no way disputing the need to stockpile items, the typical American mindset of “buying” your way out of a problem doesn’t always work well in a survival situation. A fine balance between stockpiling items and learning skill sets must be obtained. More times than not, new survivalists never take their preparations any further than “buying things.” This ought not to be so!
I do find myself agreeing with Joe on a regular basis, both on his internet posts and in reading this book. Having met Joe I can tell you that he is a DOER. In this book when he says “your child must be physically fit” know that his children ARE physically fit. When he says “you must be able to talk with your wife...” know that his wife IS fully with him in their family preparedness endeavors. I can certainly appreciate people who practice what they preach.
Joe has written an excellent book here, perfect for the beginner, but with just enough nuggets of knowledge to also satisfy those of us that have been around the block for a decade or three. You will enjoy this book and more importantly it should help you greatly in your preparedness journey. (from review by:Robert Henry)