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The Unselfish Genome- How Darwin & Dawkins Missed The 2nd Half Of The Theory Of Evolution: New Research Identifies The Hormone Changes That Control Human Aging (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: University Science Press LLC
Fun To Read!- Written in an easy to understand and at times humorous style for normal readers and scientists alike.
Many Surprising Conclusions Clarify ALL of Evolution's Unexplained Oddities
One chapter includes a detailed examiniation of how various human hormones change with aging, and how the "good" hormones decline with age, and how the "bad" hormones intentionally designed by evoluton to kill you, skyrocket after age 50. (also included are ways to reverse this process).

Full of Thought-Provoking Photos in vivid color.

This is a groundbreaking new look at and explanation of the mysteries of evolution that have been plauging mainstream science since the first publication of Darwin's theory of evolution.

Sex and aging have never had any satisfactory explanation within the Selfish Gene paradigm begun by Darwin and his disciples, and popularized by Dawkins in his famous book-"The Selfish Gene".

Aging and Sex are shown to be evolution's evolved defenses to evolving predation, and in the absence of predation, they will eventually become undone-leading to a strange world where humans eventually will evolve immortal lifepsans, and become 100% female who reproduce solely through parthenogenesis (female self-cloning)!

As odd as it sounds, examples of many types of animals where this type of reproduction already occurs are provided. Including animals as complicated as turkeys, sharks, and lizards!

Homosexuality, usally ignored by evolutionary biologists, is examined and shown to also be a defense agasint evolving predation that acts as birth control for what evolution perceives as less fit (predator-stressed) mothers.

Even human religion as an evolved defense to famine and drought is explored and explained with a special emphasis on the high rate of religious suicide associated with various religions and cults.

Sex and Aging are examined and shown to be a species-selected defense to evolving predation that is being selected for at the local ecosystem level virtually everywhere and all the time.

It turns out that species selection, which is a higher level of selection than individual selection will be the
NEXT BIG THING in evolutionary theory. SPECIES SELECTION, almost unknown to today's mainstream theorists, is the only path through which all of modern evolutionary theory's exceptions and discrepencies like sex and aging can be resolved.