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5 Simple Steps to Manifesting Your Life Partner: Featuring the work of Marisa Peer, Alison Armstrong and Christie Marie Sheldon (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
In the vein of inspirational bestsellers "Calling In the One" and "The Soulmate Secret" Julia Storm takes us on her real-life journey from 40,frustrated, single and losing hope to manifesting the relationship she'd always dreamed of. Harnessing the Power of Intention and The Law of Attraction and with a little help from some inspiring women,world renowned hypnotherapist Marisa Peer, expert in the field of understanding the differences between the genders, Alison Armstrong, and energetic healer Christie Marie Sheldon.
Marrying practicality with spirituality and a little magic, Julia takes us through the 5 step process that completely transformed not only her love life but her inner life and even her financial life, making this a book about dreams coming true, hers and yours.
If you are longing to be with "the One" or "the One that got away" 5 Simple Steps to Manifesting Your Life Partner is a must read. Inspiring and honest in that uniquely Australian way, it is a book that you will read and then pass on to all your single friends so they too can find within it the yellow brick road to happily ever after.