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Inconvenient Facts: proving Global Warming is a Hoax (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
Contrary to the opinions of Al Gore and the UN climatologists, CO2 concentration IS NOT the dominant influence on the global average temperature of the planet. This is why there is NO global climate crisis.
-- For more than 30 years environmental activists have been blaming PEOPLE for causing global warming by driving cars, flying on jets, and just by living our lives.
-- Global warming, and at times global cooling has existed for more than 2.5 billion years. It is known as “climate variability”.
The earth has managed to start and end four massive ice ages during the last 2.4 billion years, all before there was any human existence on the planet. Civilized human beings have ONLY existed for about 6,000 years, and human industrial CO2 emissions have occurred for only 170 +/- years.
-- Read the facts about why CO2 is NOT causing global warming, and why it never will. It is even more important for you to understand why this hoax is being perpetuated!
-- Global warming is not a climate issue. It is a political issue. Global warming is propaganda against God’s creation, against American sovereignty, and against American Liberty!
-- Arm yourself with the Facts in the blockbuster book “Inconvenient Facts, proving Global Warming is a Hoax”, the Common Sense facts for the Basket of Deplorables.