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10/20/Life Second Edition: The Professional's guide to building strength has gotten even bigger and better (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
10/20/Life - 10 and 20 weeks at a time for a lifetime of positive momentum in life and in training.

Learn to be your own coach, attack your weaknesses and utilize a proven philosophy that is a guide to permanent success.

You asked for it, I listened and took it even further: 10/20/Life Second Edition in soft-back physical copies. If the physical copy isn’t enough for some of you, I re-visited the whole book, and made many, many additions to each chapter & section with the 3 years of implementation from lifters all over the world!

During these 3 years, your feedback, success-stories/testimonials and support – provided me many ways to improve this now much-more complete “Second Edition” of the 10/20/Life philosophy.

Just a few of the sizable additions to this “second edition” physical copy (this book is now over 150 pages vs the original book's 100):
• New chapter “Deload”
• New chapter “Establishing a baseline”
• New chapter “Speed work”

Other updated features include:
• A reintroduction to the 10/20/Life philosophy and update with AMAZING testimonials – male and female, raw and equipped.
• The 5 main principles of 10/20/Life
• How do you gain a mental edge? Tips to do so
• What 10/20/Life is NOT – putting to rest speculation
• RPE – a different approach
• Nutrition – a closer look with detail
• Coaching cues updated and expanded
• Weak point index updated and expanded
• Combo day updated and modified
• Step-by-step set-up and the pro’s and con’s of a “wide base bench” vs the “traditional tucked” approach
• New offseason training split “Jumbo Day” for those with little to no time to train or those who can’t recover between sessions with a typical split or even the “combo day”
• All new pictures and charts throughout the entire book
• Percentages for pre-contest modified and addressed with suggestions
• Many new exercise and section “break outs” for explanations of movement, an important note, or simply a summary of the section
• FAQ section with 15 of the most commonly asked questions. NOTE: all of these FAQ are also clarified, addressed and explained in this version of book even better now
• Cheat sheet of cues for the squat, bench and dead to quickly refer to
• Charts for you to write in and program your own 10/20/Life training
• Training logs to note your progress with each training day of each cycle