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The INFJ Heart: Understand the Mind, Unlock the Heart (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
Do you have your heart set on an INFJ?
Perhaps you have only recently met or maybe you have been together for decades.

Regardless of where you are in your relationship, if you find yourself wanting to know more about the INFJ personality type, then this book is sure to offer the insights you seek.

In this book, you will find:

- Thorough explanations of how an INFJ's mind functions based on their cognitive processes.
- Overviews of the strengths and weaknesses an INFJ brings to a relationship.
- Insight into the communication style of an INFJ.
- Advice on how to foster deeper levels of intimacy within your relationship and more!

The INFJ is viewed by many to be a mysterious personality type, locking all of their secrets under the many layers of their heart.

By achieving a deeper understanding of this unique personality, you may be one of the lucky few to unlock the secrets of the INFJ heart.