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6 STEPS TO UNDERSTANDING AND COPING WITH MILD TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY: Strategies to Dealing with Cognitive Function Loss, Self Esteem, Relationships and Fatigue (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
This book was developed as a result of my own experience as an MTBI sufferer (Mild Traumatic Brain Injury).

It was two years after the injury, before I could get an accurate diagnosis of my problems, and three years before effective therapies began to change my life for the better.

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury is often undetected, and sometimes hard to diagnose. Only the person, who is suffering, knows that something is wrong.

When I suffered the Injury I struggled for many years at a personal level. Something was very wrong, would I ever get better. The Injury put my whole world into turmoil.

This book covers how MTBI has now become more recognized by the medical professionals, how it can be diagnosed and strategies on how to cope with life following the Injury.

My wish is sufferers and people around them get a better understanding and appreciation of MTBI.