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Inside the International Space Station (ISS): NASA International Space Station Familiarization Astronaut Training Manual - Comprehensive Review of ISS Systems (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Progressive Management
Learn about the International Space Station (ISS) from the textbooks used by the astronauts! These astronaut and flight controller training manuals, produced by the Mission Operations Directorate (Space Flight Training Division branch) at NASA's Johnson Space Center, represent a major part of the formal flight crew training process. The manuals and workbooks are extremely detailed and comprehensive, and are designed for self-study. A full listing of all acronyms and abbreviations used in the text is included. They provide a superb way to learn about Station systems, hardware, and operational procedures. Special emphasis on crew interaction with the displays, controls, and hardware is included.

This large manual covers all ISS systems, providing a comprehensive review of the space station. Contents include:

Introduction to ISS * Command and Data Handling * Electrical Power System Overview * Communications and Tracking Overview * Thermal Control System Overview * Environmental Control and Life Support System Overview * Guidance, Navigation, and Control Overview * Robotics Overview * Structures and Mechanisms Overview * Payloads Overview * Extravehicular Activity Overview * On-Orbit Maintenance Overview * Flight Crew Systems * Crew Health Care System * Operations and Planning

This is a comprehensive resource about the ISS.