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The Pattern System: A Periodic Table for Psychology (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Pattern System Books
Do you wonder...

  • Why do
    my partner and I get into so many fights?

  • What
    is going on to keep me stuck in life?

  • What
    am I doing to turn people off?

  • Why am
    I attracted to the wrong people?

  • Why is
    my partner acting that way?

  • How
    can I understand my personality?

The Pattern System is a breakthrough in understanding personality that is oriented toward psychological healing and personal growth.
It also helps you to understand other people--why they respond as they do, what
makes them tick.

Once your have understood the Pattern System and explored
yourself according to its model, you will have a comprehensive map of your
psyche. You will be able to see

  • Your strengths

  • Your defenses

  • What drives your behavior

  • Why you feel bad about

  • Your underlying emotional

  • How you compensate for that

  • Your inner conflicts

  • The leading edge of your

If you are a therapist, coach, or other professional, do you
ask yourself...

  • How
    can I understand my clients' personalities in a fuller way?

  • Why is
    that client's therapy not moving?

  • What
    is going on in my relationship with that client?

  • What
    is the primary issue for that client?

  • What
    are the psychodynamics underlying that behavior?

The Pattern System: A
Periodic Table for Psychology
can help you answer these questions. You can
fully understand your clients' personality patterns--not just their "type" but
the detailed structure of their psychology.


The Pattern System doesn't just focus narrowly on
psychopathology. It doesn't even just focus on dysfunctional patterns. It also
helps you to understand functional behavior and healthy capacities. This means
that you can see your strengths and those capacities you need to develop to
reach your personal goals.

The Pattern System is different from the usual systems of
character types, such as the Enneagram or the DISC, because these systems
attempt to capture a person's entire character in one type, even though they do
allow for somewhat more complexity. The Pattern System recognizes and reflects
the complexity of the human psyche. In the Pattern System, each dysfunctional pattern and healthy capacity describes just one aspect of a client's personality, and
each person will have many of them. In fact, the richness of the Pattern System
fosters an attitude of looking deeply in order to understand the uniqueness and
multifaceted features of each individual's personality.

One of the important aspects of the Pattern System is that a
person's profile can change over time. In fact, the distinction between
problematic patterns and healthy capacities gives you explicit information
about those aspects of the psyche that can change through therapy, coaching, or
other personal growth work--specifically how patterns can be transformed into

The Pattern System is potent for psychological healing and
personal growth when integrated with Internal Family Systems Therapy (IFS).
IFS is a highly effective form of individual psychotherapy that I use in my
practice as a psychotherapist and have written extensively about. Self-Therapy Journey is an
online tool that integrates the Pattern System with IFS; you can use it for
both deep psychological healing and behavior change.