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The Marrow of Theology (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Titus Books
William Ames (1576 – 1633) was an English Protestant theologian who spent most of his life in the Netherlands. His work was hugely influential on the English Puritans of the following generations, especially in New England.

His Marrow of Theology (originally entitled The Marrow of Sacred Divinity drawne out of the Holy Scriptures) is organized as follows:

Book I
I. Of the Definition, or Nature of Divinity
II. Of the Distribution or Parts of Divinity
III. Of Faith
IIII. Of God, and His Essence
V. Of the Subsistence of God
VI. Of the Efficiency of God
VII. Of the Decree, and Counsel of God
VIII. Of Creation
IX. Of Providence
X. Of Special Gubernation About Intelligent Creatures
XI. Of Man’s Apostacy, or Fall
XII. Of the Consequences of Sin
XIII. Of Original Sin
XIV. Of Actual Sin
XV. Of Corporal Death
XVI. Of the Consummation of Death
XVII. Of the Propagation of Sin
XVIII. Of the Person of Christ, the Mediator
XIX. Of the Office of Christ
XX. Of Satisfaction
XXI. Of the Life of Christ Being Humbled
XXII. Of the Death of Christ
XXIII. Of the Exaltation of Christ
XXIV. Of the Application of Christ
XXV. Of Predestination
XXVI. Of Calling
XXVII. Of Justification
XXVIII. Of Adoption
XXIX. Of Sanctification
XXX. Of Glorification
XXXI. Of the Church Mystically Considered
XXXII. Of the Church Instituted
XXXIII. Of the Extraordinary Ministers of the Church
XXXIIII. Of the Holy Scripture
XXXV. Of Ordinary Ministers, and Their Office in Preaching
XXXVI. Of the Sacraments
XXXVII. Of Ecclesiastical Discipline
XXXVIII. Of the Administration of the Covenant of Grace Before the Coming of Christ
XXXIX. Of the Administration of the Covenant From Christ Exhibited to the End of the World
XL. Of Baptism and the Supper of the Lord
XLI. To the End of the World

Book II
I. Of Observance in General
II. Of Virtue
III. Of Good Works
IIII. Of Religion
V. Of Faith
VI. Of Hope
VII. Of Charity
VIII. Of Hearing of the Word
IX. Of Prayer
X. Of an Oath
XI. Of a Lot
XII. Of Tempting of God
XIII. Of Instituted Worship
XIIII. Of the Manner of Divine Worship
XV. Of the Time of Worship
XVI. Of Justice and Charity Toward Our Neighbour
XVII. Of the Honour of Our Neighbour
XVIII. Of Humanity Toward Our Neighbour
XIX. Of Chastity
XX. Of Commutative Justice
XXI. Of Telling Truth. Veracity
XXII. Of Contentment