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Hotel Kerobokan: The Shocking Inside Story of Bali's Most Notorious Jail

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Macmillan Australia



Welcome to Hotel Kerobokan, the ironic nickname for
Kerobokan Jail, Bali's most notorious prison, and home to a procession of the
infamous and tragic; the Bali bombers, the King of Denpasar, the Bali Nine,
chef Gordon Ramsay's brother, among many more.


In Hotel Kerobokan's filthy disease-ridden cells, a
United Nations of prisoners live crushed together in misery. Petty thieves and
small-time drug users share cells with killers, rapists and gangsters. Hardened
drug traffickers sleep alongside unlucky tourists, who've seen their holiday
turn from paradise to hell over one ecstasy tablet. 


Hotel Kerobokan reveals the wild 'sex nights'
organised by corrupt guards for prisoners who have the money, the rampant drug
use, the suicides and killings, and days out at the beach. It exposes the
jail's role in supplying high-grade drugs to the outside, the gang that rules
through terror, the corruption that means anything is for sale, and the squalor
and misery endured by prisoners. 


Written by Kathryn Bonella, backed up by hundreds of prisoner
interviews, the truth about Hotel Kerobokan explodes off the page. 
Kathryn Bonella is also the author of Snowing in Bali.