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Came to Believe (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: AA World Services, Inc.
This is a collection of stories by A.A. members who write about what the phrase “spiritual awakening” means to them. Years of preparation and earnest thought went into this booklet, since an A.A. member first suggested it. The description of Alcoholics Anonymous as “a spiritual program” has been confusing to some newcomers, many of whom tend to translate “spiritual” as “religious.” But, as our co-founder Dr Bob said (in an A.A. Grapevine article), “We are not bound by theologian doctrine.…We are many minds in our organization.” Therefore, Came to Believe… is designed as an outlet for the rich diversity of convictions implied in the phrase twice-used within the Twelve Steps: “God as we understood Him.” Originally, A.A.’s other co-founder, Bill W., planned to write a foreword, but he died before publication. So, the introductions to each section of this book reflect Bill’s outlook, already on record in the book, As Bill Sees It.