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World War 2: Soldier Stories Part XI: More Untold WW2 German Soldier Stories (World War 2 Soldier Stories Book 11) (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Success First Publishing

German Terror or Unsung Hero? Part 2 to the Best Selling World War II German Soldier Stories Book!

Anyone whose name was attached to the Nazi party was part of one of the greatest atrocities that the world has witnessed. It was only Nazi’s that committed the heinous acts that we read about and learned about in school. Right? Maybe not. There’s more to the story than what we all know.

This Part II WW2 German Soldier Story book includes Max Schmeling, touted by Hitler himself as a poster boy for the strength of the Nazi party. This heavyweight boxer brought glory to the Third Reich. Built for fighting, he was the perfect boxer in the ring. Eventually he even went on to fight for Germany as one of the dreaded German paratroopers. His story will teach you to never take things at face value. Would a good Nazi have a Jewish manager or hide and save the lives of two young Jewish boys? What about his wartime activity? Was he as good of a fighter in war as he was in the ring?

Meet Jochen Peiper, golden boy and assistant to none other than Himmler himself. He rose through the ranks of the SS and led his troops in battle. Throughout all of this, though he never joined the Nazi party. When arrested after the war he pled innocence to the crimes that war tribunals laid at his feet. Was he just another soldier doing what was needed to survive or did his actions have a more nefarious reasoning?

Grab this book today and find out just what you’ve been missing and why things may not always be what they seem when it comes to war.

Comments From Other Readers

“My Grandfather served in World War II. To his dying day he had a general mistrust of Germans. I wonder if he had read this book if his opinion would have shifted for at least one of the men outlined here. I won’t tell you which one but I didn’t really expect it. I love how the focus was on more than just war and on the men‘s lives and experiences. The compassion of one shocked me just as much as the cruelty of another. Truly a great read!” – Perry (Maine, USA)

“There’s always more than one side to any story. I read once that there’s actually three sides, his side, her side, and the truth. Adapting it a little and it could be applied to this book. The truth is sometimes not exactly what we would expect it to be. This well written volume is short but chock full of valuable information as well as an all around good story. Truth is sometimes the best story of them all. I will be adding this to my son’s summer reading as he’s going to study WWII in his upcoming school year. It’s important to know every side of history and this book endeavors to tell it.” – Susan (Toronto, Canada)