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The Astral World: Its Scenes, Dwellers and Phenomena (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Asgard Media Inc.
Have you ever wanted to know what life after death is like but don't want to wait until you die to find out? Then this little book can give you a very detailed description as to what awaits you on the "other side" The Astral World: Its Scenes, Dwellers and Phenomena by Swami Panchadasi is an old classic but just as relevant today than when it was originally published. This book is a goldmine of valuable information about the spirit world and its many levels of the astral plane as well as its astral residents. Learn how to navigate the astral world while you are still on the physical world in easy to understand terminology that is not shrouded in secrecy or codes.