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The Ketogenic Mediterranean Diet: Healthy and Delicious Keto Diet (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版

Rediscover Your Slender & Healthy Figure With Mediterranean Ketogenic Diet!

Have you had enough with starvation diets that leave you drained of energy, while the stubborn fat persists?

Are you tired with the false promises of diet plans with zero effects on your weight loss efforts?

You can now start losing weight the safe, healthy and above all DELICIOUS way,

with proven-efficient Mediterranean Ketogenic Diet!

Watch Pounds Melt Off Your Body & Feel Bursting With Energy!

World-known for its efficiency in healthy living, the Mediterranean diet includes

fruit, vegetables, fish, whole grains and red wine: food gems offered by nature to keep us healthy, slender and in top spirits.

In combination with Ketogenic diet, which helps the body enter the ketosis phase and burn carbohydrates,

the Mediterranean diet turbocharges our metabolism and helps the body burn fat without causing us the feeling of starvation.
This life-changing book will treat you to a whole range of mouth-watering recipes,

breakfast, lunch and dinner plates easily prepared in your kitchen, with one sole purpose:
To turn the mystery of weight loss into mastery and help you get the slim,

healthy figure you deserve, the fast, safe, yummy way!

Your Head-Turning Body Is Just A Few Pages Away! Will You Miss Out?