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シュライヒ ファームワールド ゴールデン・レトリバー (仔) フィギュア 16396

価格: ¥626
カテゴリ: おもちゃ&ホビー
ブランド: シュライヒ(Schleich)
対象年齢 :3才以上
主な製造国 :中国
The golden retriever, one of the most popular dog breeds, has a long history.The credit for the development of this breed is due to Lord Tweedmouth, who wanted to breed a strong, but gentle dog.Golden retrievers are the perfect family dog and need only daily exercise and sufficient attention.These sociable and sporty dogs have a friendly character.They like to swim and carry things in their mouths - take care where you put your shoes!
Suitable for 5 years +
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