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All Natural Mom's Guide to the Feingold Diet: A Natural Approach to ADHD and Other Related Disorders (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Sheri Davis
"Feingold works! So thankful to have my 4-year old daughter able to concentrate and sit still - hold eye contact even! It was tough at first but completely worth it. It is now just a way of life and we are all better for it!" - Testimonial from Feingold member, Amanda in Louisiana.

If you have child with ADHD and don't want to medicate, this book is a must read! The Feingold Diet is a natural alternative that helps kids and adults alike with ADHD, autism, learning disabilities, emotional disorders and more by avoiding dyes, artificial flavors, certain preservatives, and limiting salicylates.

Sheri Davis is a mother of four who has experienced the same feelings of frustration and desperation. Her family started the diet nine years ago for her oldest son who showed signs of ADHD. Her son showed dramatic improvements after just two days on the diet. Since then, she has enthusiastically shared her family's story through her blog and Facebook page, putting together grocery lists, recipes, and tips on how they do the Feingold Diet. Her family deals with several issues including ADHD, autism, Tourette’s, dyslexia, seizures, learning disabilities, and multiple food allergies. They do multiple diets to handle these issues, but the one thing that is the base for all of these other diets is the Feingold Diet.

She is now taking this information and bringing it to parents in the form of a book so that more families can be reached with this information. The ultimate goal of this book is to inform above all else; to empower parents with the knowledge they need to make better choices in food. If more parents demand better ingredients in their foods, manufacturers will be forced to make changes.

If you've ever considered the Feingold Diet, but wanted to learn more before purchasing the program, "All Natural Mom's Guide to the Feingold Diet" is for you. It is also a great book for those new to the diet, or for those who just want to learn how to make better choices in food. If you are a current Feingold member, this is a great book to pass along to grandparents, friends, teachers, and family to help them understand the Feingold Diet and how they can come alongside and support your family.

Whether you decide to begin the Feingold Diet or not, you will walk away from this book armed with the information you need to make better choices in food and ready to take the next step.

Topics covered in this book include:

-What Is the Feingold Diet?
-What Changes Might I See?
-How Do I Start the Diet?
-What Are Salicylates?
-Is It Expensive?
-Is It Difficult?
-How Do I Read Labels?
-Can I Do This Diet On My Own?
-Where Do I Find This Food?
-Is a Feingold Membership Worth the Money?
-Does It Help Kids With Autism?
-Does the Diet Really Work?

….and more!

Sheri Davis answers the most frequently asked questions, gives advice and encouragement to newbies, and lists several success stories from current Feingold members. She also provides a great list of resources and sixteen Feingold stage one recipes to help you get started.