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Making All Things New: Catholicity, Cosmology, Consciousness (Catholicity in an Evolving Universe Series)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: ORBIS
The first book in the series "Catholicity in an Evolving Universe" unveils a new paradigm for being Catholic, a conscious awareness of how everything in the universe forms a whole. Ilia Delio introduces a new word, catholicity, which is destined to become as discussed and familiar in this century as the word Catholic was in the 2nd century. Catholicity is a dynamic, spiritual quality of being Catholic that literally means “becoming whole.” It is an inner principle which first burst forth in the life of Jesus, and has the power to reconnect all the dimensions of life: spirituality, religion, the new sciences, culture, and society.

Catholicity is not an apologetics but an emerging unitive spirituality that is being expressed by Pope Francis and is manifested in the lives of sincere seekers everywhere. It is animating religion in a new direction and infusing key aspects of spirituality with the new sciences, and every aspect of society and culture.

Catholicity is a spirit of love, a love of the Spirit , which resists ideology and attracts new followers. “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom” (2Cor 3:17). Catholicity makes all things new. “If any be in Christ he is a new creature. The old way of living disappears. A new way of living comes into existence” (2 Cor: 5:17).