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Programming ASP.NET Core, Programming ASP.NET Core (Developer Reference)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Microsoft Press
Applying all key ASP.NET Core components, including MVC for HTML generation, .NET Core, EF Core, ASP.NET Identity, dependency injection, and more
Integrating ASP.NET Core with leading client-side frameworks, including Bootstrap
ASP.NET Core code for implementing business logic and data transformations
Handling configuration, routing, controllers, views, and common tasks (including posting forms and presenting data)
Performing complementary tasks: error handling, logging, application design, authentication, localization, and more
Front-end development: ensuring responsiveness, creating mobile views, and providing advanced interactivity
Middleware, data access, runtime architecture, and deployment
Taking full advantage of the brand-new ASP.NET Core runtime

The complete, pragmatic guide to building high-value solutions with ASP.NET Core


Programming ASP.NET Core is the definitive guide to practical web-based application development with Microsoft’s new ASP.NET Core framework. Microsoft MVP Dino Esposito introduces proven techniques and well-crafted example code for solving real problems with ASP.NET Core. Step by step, he guides you through using all key ASP.NET Core technologies, including MVC for HTML generation, .NET Core, EF Core, ASP.NET Identity, dependency injection, and much more. Esposito thoroughly covers ASP.NET Core’s cross-platform capabilities and what’s changed from older ASP.NET versions, but he doesn’t stop there: he offers a complete learning path for every developer who wants to build production solutions, including mobile-specific solutions.


Microsoft MVP Dino Esposito shows how to:

• Create new projects and understand their structure

• Set up and use the familiar MVC application model in ASP.NET Core

• Write controller class code to govern all stages of request processing

• Serve HTML from controllers, or directly via Razor Pages

• Master the Razor language for quickly defining the layout of HTML views

• Manage cross-cutting concerns such as global configuration data, error and exception handling, controller class design, and dependency injection

• Secure applications with user authentication and ASP.NET Core’s policy-based user authorization API

• Design for efficient data access, and choose the right option for reading and writing data

• Build ASP.NET Core Web APIs that return JSON, XML, or other data

• Use data binding to programmatically update visual components with fresh information

• Build device-friendly web views for iOS and Android

• Explore the radically new ASP.NET Core runtime environment and Dependency Injection (DI) infrastructure