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Seat of Knowledge (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Academy Incorporated Limited
Sequel to Seat of Learning; Jonathon is sent for remedial coaching with formidably strict Miss Burrows and her ferociously strict daughter, Jilly, with their terrified maid, Mary, for two weeks of intensive education and ferocious discipline from her, with slipper, strap and cane and PE under Jilly’s supervision, with her riding crop, including being punished in front of Jilly’s girl friends.
Through the keyhole he sees Jilly spank the maid, and is caught, caned and forced to wear a nightie for a spanking. He is sent to the Curate for Latin lessons, taken with two girls, Beth and Susan. He skives off with one and is encouraged to do things he should not, resulting in a full-blooded birching for both of them – the maid is birched too!
St Marks goes co-educational and Angela goes straight to the sixth form to be a prefect. She immediately begins slippering the boys, Jonathon being one of the first, and she takes him as her fag.
Jonathon continuing as Angela’s fag and finds he has to wait on her younger sister and mother too, and is slippered in front of them for carelessness.
Angela quells rebellion amongst the new girls with strap and slipper, on their hands and bottoms. Angela takes Jonathon home to stay with her, and is bullied by her young sister, even younger than him, as he becomes a skivvy for her mum and sister too; her young sister has him play ‘horse’ for him as she rides around on his back, with him on all-fours.
He goes back there at Easter, and a neighbour, Mrs Batterjee is impressed, and explains all about their bonded servant girl. Young sister Laura slippers him and has him dress in her clothes, whilst she wears his shorts, etc. and has him slipper her to see how it feels.
They meet a brother and sister, where she canes him too, giving them all sorts of further ideas. By the end his path is mapped out, and it’s not going to be easy!