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Bushido, The Soul of Japan [Illustrated edition] (English Edition)

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カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Zellerz Publishing Co.

Bushido, The Soul of Japan by Inazo Nitobe

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About ten years ago, while spending a few days under the hospitable roof of the distinguished Belgian jurist, the lamented M. de Laveleye, our conversation turned, during one of our rambles, to the subject of religion. "Do you mean to say," asked the venerable professor, "that you have no religious instruction in your schools?" On my replying in the negative he suddenly halted in astonishment, and in a voice which I shall not easily forget, he repeated "No religion! How do you impart moral education?" The question stunned me at the time. I could give no ready answer, for the moral precepts I learned in my childhood days, were not given in schools; and not until I began to analyze the different elements that formed my notions of right and wrong, did I find that it was Bushido that breathed them into my nostrils.

Here are some of Amazon’s Excellent Reviews

- "This is quite an interesting book. If you want to learn about Bushido, then this is the book for you! This book can teach you to be a little samurai. Great Information and brilliant idea.“

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