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Coffee around the World: 25 recipes (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
Coffee is one of the world’s most popular liquid, and some people claim that it’s the most widely consumed drink made from water. Coffee is more than a beverage, it is an anticipation, a memory, a lifetime of consoling moments woven into our lives. The people which love coffee associate the energizing of the caffeine with the richness and aroma of the beverage that delivers it.
Coffee is produced from the seeds of a small yellow/red fruit. The process that turns these seeds into beverage is a complex and long process, involving a vast intercontinental collaboration that starts with the coffee growing, coffee picking, then to mill workers that remove the dry beans and the fruit, then to clean and grade the beans to roasting them, to the consumers who finally grind the beans and prepare the coffee. Every step along the way must be performed with precision and passion.
The word “coffee” was introduced in English language in 1582 via the Dutch “koffie”, which was borrowed from the Ottoman Turkish “kahve”, in turn borrowed from the Arabian “qahwah”. The Ethiopian ancestors were first to discover the energizing effect of the coffee plant. Coffee was first consumed in the Islamic world, and was originally related to religious practices. In the beginning the coffee beans were exported from Karachi to Yemen, and the Yemeni traders began to cultivate the bean to their homeland.
In Europe, the coffee was first introduced on the Malta in 16th century, through Turkish slavery. The coffee was also noted in Aleppo by the physician botanist Leonhard Rauwolf who was the first European to mention it, as “chaube”, in 1574. The trades between the Republic of Venice and the Muslims from North Africa and Egypt, brought a large amount of African goods, including the coffee. Therefore, the Venetian merchants introduced the coffee-drinking around Venice, and in this way it spread to the mainland of Europe, in 1591.
In America, Gabriel de Clieu brought the coffee seeds to Martinique in the Caribbean, in 1720. This enabled the spread of the coffee cultivation to Mexico, Saint-Domingue (Haiti), and other Caribbean islands. Meanwhile, in 1727, the coffee was introduced to Brazil, but its cultivation had started after the independence in 1822. In just twenty years, Brazil became the largest producer of coffee in the world, and dominated the production and exporting the large amount of coffee, from 1850 to 1950.
In this book, we are going to present you a number of 25 best traditional coffee recipes from all around the world, which you can easily prepare at home together with your friends, girlfriend or family. For getting the original taste of the coffee, we recommend you to use authentic and fresh coffee beans, and follow exactly the instructions mentioned for each recipe.