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Insight: Reflections on the Gifts of Being an Introvert (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
Have you ever been called shy or awkward? How about anti-social?

People are quick to apply these labels to the quieter among us, often with little understanding of what they truly mean. And they often indicate a profound misunderstanding about what it means to be an introvert. Truth is, men and women with a reflective, more inward style have hidden strengths that are often lost in our noisy world.

Beth Buelow is on a mission to change that. Known around the globe as The Introvert Entrepreneur, Beth is an author, speaker and professional coach dedicated to helping introverts understand and embrace their unique gifts.

In this book, she weaves personal stories with wit and wisdom to explore the unique energy that comes along with introversion. Already, it has helped thousands of readers and won rave reviews.

As one fan wrote, "The most precious nugget I am taking away is permission to be who I am and how I am - without apology. What a relief to sink freely into the comfortable, introverted essence of myself and be okay with it!"

Comprised of short, bite-size essays, Insights is an affirming, thought-provoking companion on your journey.

~Beth Buelow, author
The Introvert Entrepreneur

About the Author
Beth Buelow is known as The Introvert Entrepreneur to a global community of followers and fans. As a certified professional coach and a skilled interviewer, writer, facilitator and speaker, she’s recognized as a thought leader in the area of life and leadership coaching for introverts. Beth is on a mission to empower introverts to understand, own and leverage their natural strengths. She is certified by the International Coach Federation. a Living Your Vision® Licensed Facilitator, and is an active member of the Puget Sound Coaches Association and the Society for Human Resource Management. Beth has enjoyed sharing her message that “Success is an Inside Job!” with numerous organizations and corporations, including Boeing, Starbucks, Peterson Sullivan, Puget Sound Business Journal, eWomenNetworking, Ignite Seattle and the Puget Sound American Marketing Association, among others.

She’s contributed to blogs and articles in print and online for Psychology Today, Toilet Paper Entrepreneur, Crain's Business Chicago, Seattle Times, Biznik and The Coaching Commons, among others. Her extremely popular podcast, The Introvert Entrepreneur, features interviews with well-known and emerging introvert entrepreneurs, including Susan Cain, Nancy Ancowitz, Laurie Helgoe and Viveka Von Rosen, as well as experts in social media, marketing and sales, personal growth and networking. Beth’s individual voice comes out of her experiences as a personal coach, classical musician, arts administrator, nonprofit professional and entrepreneur.