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Amazon Product Manager Interview: A Step by Step Approach to Ace the Product Manager Interview at Amazon (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Coursetake
Amazon Product Manager Interview is a comprehensive book about landing the coveted product management role at Amazon. Learn in a step by step manner how to ace this difficult interview at Amazon.

The approach of this book is to first teach you a chapter and then give you some homework to complete.

This book consists of worksheets, that you can download and combines both theory and practice to help you succeed.

Book Outline

The entire book contains of the following 8 chapters:

1.The product management (pm) role – We’ll start by understanding the role of a product manager in general and as defined by the industry.

2.Amazon product manager role – We’ll then talk about the role of a product manager specifically at amazon.

3.Interview process – We’ll talk about the interview process for a pm at amazon.

4.Company information – We’ll then talk about the details about amazon as a company and the various products and services it has.

5.Questions – We’ll then get into the specific question types that amazon typically asks its candidates and how to attack each one. We’ll specifically cover the following question types:

a.Behavioral questions
b.Tradeoff questions
c.Pricing questions
d.Financial projections
e.Strategy questions
f.Customer experience questions
g.Metrics questions
h.Design questions
i.Vision questions
j.Estimation questions

6.Questions to ask – then, we will discuss what questions to ask during your interview.

7.Preparation plan and tips – we’ll then cover a number of preparation tips for the interview process and put together a time table for you to study.

8.Conclusion – finally we’ll end by summarizing everything in this chapter.