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Zetetic Cosmogony: Or Conclusive Evidence that the World is not a Rotating Revolving Globe but a Stationary Plane Circle (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Ravenio Books
Modern astronomical teaching affirms that the world we live on is a globe, which rotates, revolves, and spins away in space at brain-reeling rates of speed; that the sun is a million and a-half times the size of the earth-globe, and nearly a hundred million miles distant from it; that the moon is about a quarter the size of the earth; that it receives all its light from the sun, and is thus only a reflector, and not a giver, of light; that it attracts the body of the earth and thus causes the tides; that the stars are worlds and suns, some of them equal in importance to our own sun himself, and others vastly his superior; that these worlds, inhabited by sentient beings, are without number and occupy space boundless in extent and illimitable in duration; the whole of these interlaced bodies being subject to, and supported by, universal gravitation, the foundation and father of the whole fabric.

To fanciful minds and theoretical speculators, the so-called “science” of modern astronomy furnishes a field, unsurpassed in any science for the unrestrained license of the imagination, and the building up of a complicated conjuration of absurdities such as to overawe the simpleton and make him gape with wonder; to deceive even those who truly believe their assumptions to be facts, and to “make men doubt Divine Revelation with as little discrimination as they were formerly called upon to believe.”

If the reader will carefully follow and weigh the evidence in the following chapters, he cannot fail to be delivered from the thraldom of popular credulity and led to seek the truth for himself.

—Thomas Winship (1860 - 1942) was an English-born South African author and Flat Earth advocate .