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Valiant Thor's Venusian Science Secrets: The Supreme Technology of the Ascended Masters (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: New Saucerian
"Valiant Thor's Venusian Science Secrets" contains a wealth of vital instruction and inspiration for all. Intelligence and love direct the universe, and are always "at your service," to lift you upward into a healthier, happier, and higher "Venusian" vibration.

Here the enlightened sage, Valiant Thor, reminds us that no one on Earth need be sick, wracked with pain, or filled with hopeless despair - at least if these amazing scientific principles are practiced.

Thor's message is intended for all Earthlings who have a burning desire to leave ignorance behind forever, and go on to wonderful joys and activities that come only to the fully aware.

Due to the fact that Venusians are much further advanced in their understanding of man than we are, they have learned all about the circuitry that makes the universe function as it does.

May these teachings guide, comfort, and uplift Valiant Thor's devoted fans and followers around the globe.