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William Wilberforce: The Freedom Fighter (Trailblazers) (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Christian Focus Publications
'No! No! cried the little boy, 'Please no! I want to stay with my Mother!' 'Be quiet!' shouted the man who roughly pulled his mother from him. She was taken to a raised platform and offered for sale, immediately. The heart-broken mother was to be separated from her little boy for the rest of her life.
This was the fate of thousands of women and children in the days before slavery was abolished. One man fought to bring freedom and relief from the terrors of the slave trade; it took him forty-five years. His name was William Wilberforce.
This is his exciting story that shows the amazing effect his faith in Christ and his love for people had on transforming a "A story deserving to be told to a new generation."
Rt. Hon. Tony Blair, Former Prime Minister

"If ever I relived a life in my imagination it was while writing this life of the greatest Christian politician of all time. I travelled with him in my mind to his life as a boy in Hull and on to Cambridge University. I marvelled at the way the Lord reached him and saved his soul. I held my breath as he took on the horrendous slave trade in a three-hour speech before the House of Commons that became one of the greatest speeches in the history of mankind. His eventual triumph over slavery, three days before he died was astounding! The greatest joy I have experienced following the writing of this book has been to see it published in Arabic"
Derick Bingham ~ Was the teaching pastor at Christchurch, Belfast

"The abolition of slavery in the U.K. has an anniversary in the year 2007. This is why teachers, sunday school teachers and children's workers should make sure they stock up on Wilberforce material in the run up to this. A film on Wilberforce's life is also being launched in 2006. Make the most of these events and get Christian books into children's homes on the back of them!"
Catherine MacKenzie ~ Author and CF4K Editornation.