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Waboba Ball Blast

価格: ¥3,657
カテゴリ: おもちゃ&ホビー
ブランド: Waboba
Waboba Water Bouncing Ball BLAST (? 7 cm), Exclusive sport of sunflex , Assorted Color
Now listen here, chaps. Squiffy and Ginger are on a bit of a secret mish tonight. They're taking a Lancaster all the way over to Gerry-land to give the Bosch a spot of what-for in the Ruhr. Chances are there's going to be a bit of flak around, so I want you Smudgy, and you Tommo, to give them plenty of cover. Now our man Barnes Wallace has come up with a simply splendid way of knocking out some of Europe's most heavily fortified power generating equipment by creating a unique device that bounces on the surface of the water. It's a ball. A Waboba Blast, to give it is full name in the Queen's English. It's a polyurethane ball with a lycra coating. Now, don't ask what those words mean as they haven't been invented yet, but take it from me they're dashed bouncy. In the future, your great-grandchildren will be simply mad for it, as they say. And they will happily throw away their Frisbees and, to a man, go Waboba. Now, don't ask me what a Frisbee is, as that hasn't been invented yet, either. Bearing a striling resemblance to its predecessor the Waboba Ball, the Blast has even more control and less bounce. This makes it perfect for pool play and easier for kids to use. Now, when Squiffy and Ginger take the Waboba Blast out on to the water, we can expect to see a bit of splashing action. You and I will happily watch in awe and the ball bounces and jolly well keeps on bouncing until ka-boom! Out go the lights in Dusseldorf. Got that? Rendezvous back here 2100 Zulu. Splendid.