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Now We're Talking: 21 Days to High-Performance Instructional Leadership (Making Time for Classroom Observation and Teacher Evaluation)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Solution Tree Press

Daily observation of classroom teaching can significantly impact the quality of teaching and learning. Organized into 21 chapters designed to be read over a period of 21 school days, Now We're Talking! presents a results-driven approach that far surpasses traditional walkthrough models of feedback for teachers. School leaders will complete two cycles of classroom visits while reading the book and establish the necessary foundation for subsequent visits.

This plan will help you incorporate daily classroom walkthroughs to improve teaching and learning:

  • Understand how daily classroom observation can help you make informed decisions that foster rich relationships with teachers, improve professional practices, reduce stress, and increase student learning.

  • Discover how to conduct teacher evaluations and classroom walkthroughs to improve teaching and learning, fostering high-performance results and high-quality instructional leadership.

  • Take part in 21 days of action challenges toward making teacher observations and giving feedback to teachers after observation a daily practice.

  • Learn supervision and instructional leadership skills that establish effective communication in schools.

  • Gain time-management tips for streamlining your inboxes, staying organized, and prioritizing work so you have time for daily classroom visits and lesson observation feedback.


Week 1: High-Performance Instructional Leadership Fundamentals

Chapter 1: Understanding Why Instructional Leaders Belong in Classrooms

Chapter 2: Following the High-Performance Instructional Leadership Model

Chapter 3: Acknowledging Related Instructional Leadership, Supervision, and Walkthrough Models

Chapter 4: Conducting Your First Two Cycles of Visits

Chapter 5: Thinking Ahead to Your Third Cycle of Visits

Week 2: High-Performance Habits

Chapter 6: Making Time to Visit Classrooms

Chapter 7: Keeping Your Communication Channels Under Control

Chapter 8: Managing the Work You're Not Doing Yet

Chapter 9: Organizing Your To-Do List

Chapter 10: Maximizing Your Mental Energy With Habits

Week 3: High-Impact Instructional Conversations

Chapter 11: Going Beyond Data Collection and the Feedback Sandwich

Chapter 12: Facilitating Evidence-Based Conversations

Chapter 13: Bringing a Shared Instructional Framework Into the Conversation

Chapter 14: Developing Skills for High-Impact Conversations

Chapter 15: Handling the Toughest Conversations

Week 4: High-Performance Instructional Leadership Enhancement

Chapter 16: Building Your Feedback Repertoire

Chapter 17: Balancing Your Formal Evaluation Responsibilities

Chapter 18: Identifying Improvements From Classroom Visits

Chapter 19: Opening the Door to New Models of Professional Learning

Chapter 20: Choosing an Instructional Focus for an Observation Cycle

Chapter 21: Scaling Classroom Visits Across Your School and District