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Mgtow: Male disposability, it ends here. (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
Imagine a world where boys are taught from an early age to ignore their own needs and to serve women and girls. Now imagine that girls are also taught that they are princesses and that men are there to serve them.
This is not fantasy, you are living in that world. The evidence is all around you, but you fail to acknowledge it, simply because you have been programmed not to recognize it.

I'll be honest here, I am not a writer. This is my first book and I wrote it simply because I felt it needed to be written. It was not written for men that have gone Mgtow (although it may be useful to them). It was written for every man that wishes to avoid being used by a society that sees them as a disposable resource to be used and then thrown away. It will help men to avoid the pitfalls and enjoy the rewards of their labor rather than hemorrhage money and possessions to a bunch of greedy parasites.

I have spent the last three years putting this book together, writing, rewriting and trying to ensure that I cover everything I think is necessary. In that time a number of other books on the subject have been published. I don't know if they are better (I haven't read them). I only know that I couldn't publish earlier as this book wasn't finished. Now that it is complete, I hope it will enhance your life in ways you could never conceive.