Is Your Child Addicted To Electronics?: 30 Days Of Healing And Recovery For Your Child And Family (English Edition)
価格: ¥0
Great, it happened again. You just got an alert from your credit card company that they have stopped a suspicious charge. Looking into it you find someone tried to charge the Xbox Store $159.99. You don’t need to ask who. Your son, John, store your credit card again to buy games. It’s only the 3rd time he has done it this year. You ground him from electronics, and he just steals them. You try to place limits but find the fighting too much to bear. He yells and screams you are a terrible parent, that his friends get all the screen time they want. Electronics have taken over your child’s life. What do you do now?
Sadly, this scenario is more common than you think. Electronics addiction has quickly become one of the most common addictions. As this addiction is new, there are few resources available that can help your child and family. Fortunately, there is help. Nathan Driskell has created a 30-day plan to help parents learn how to gain control of their child’s electronics and bring healing back to the family.
In this book, you will learn why your child is addicted to electronics and what he gains from them. You will learn how to lock down your electronics so only you have complete access. You will learn how to reconnect with your child by learning better ways to communicate. Lastly, you will learn how to combat the fears and worries parents feel over electronics addiction. This book serves two purposes, for you, the parent to learn how to deal with this addiction, and how to balance your child’s life with electronics. For your child and family, the future begins now.