Refrigerator Door Lock WITHOUT PADLOCK - White
価格: ¥7,412
キット内容スチール機ケーブルで2本のセキュリティプレート黒白ビニールコーティングされた、5 / 16インチと3つのM VHB粘着テープに最適南京錠は別売りです
This fridge lock kit is great for protecting prescription medication or other sensitive items.Great refrigerator door lock for schools and hospitals, as well as home use.The plates may also be applied to any door or cabinet to restrict access and help comply with HIPAA and other privacy law requirements.Easy to follow installation instructions are also included.Plate dimensions are 5.6cm x 7.6cm with heavy duty 0.5cm steel aircraft cables.The padlock is NOT included, user supplies their own padlock.See product CSP-103.W for a kit that includes the padlock.