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Renaissance Man and Mason (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Rose Circle
This series of short talks was collated from over twenty years of lecturing in Lodges and Chapters, in Europe and the United States, by a Past Grand High Priest of New York State.

The author covers a broad range of topics, covering elements of Blue Lodge, York Rite and Scottish Rite, and explores both history and symbolism in this series of papers. Some go more deeply into the esoteric symbolism and the messages hidden in the Degrees.

This is a book for anyone who has an interest in the Gentle Craft, of any fraternal line, and will satisfy the need of both younger members entering the Craft with a strong idea of what they wish to learn, and the mature member who seeks to make that daily advance in knowledge.