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Geoengineering: Planetary Sabotage & Human Extermination (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Mark M. Rich
Deadly aerosols that poison the air, food, and water supplies have been injected into the atmosphere since the late 1940s. The program, known as geoengineering, has been implemented by wealthy eugenicists to deliberately sabotage the planet and commit mass murder. By directly poisoning the Earth's life-sustaining natural resources, geoengineering offers a compound approach to depopulation. The ionospheric heaters, which are used in conjunction with geoengineering, allow for the creation of artificial droughts and floods that are impacting many nations. Geoengineering has unleashed fatal climate feedback loops that have set the planet on a doomful course. The fallouts and weather attacks further a deceptive gambit for global feudalism known as Agenda 21. With obstructive policies and rising costs, they intend to seize private property and herd citizens into megacities with towering prisons that hold hundreds of thousands of people.