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The Missing Tales of Sherlock Holmes: (as compiled by Peter Coe Verbica, JD) (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
Praise for Peter Coe Verbica’s The Missing Tales of Sherlock Holmes

“Peter Coe Verbica has performed an invaluable service for the legions of Conan Doyle devotees still to be found everywhere, bringing seven new Holmes tales into the world. These stories are clever and addictive and supremely well done.”

Elizabeth McKenzie,
Novelist and senior editor at Chicago Quarterly Review, Fiction Editor for Catamaran Literary Reader

"Peter Verbica’s clever and fast-moving short stories in The Missing Tales of Sherlock Holmes are a delight on every page, quickly engaging and transporting the reader to the mysteries
that emanate from 221B Baker Street. The scenes are crisp, the characters are interesting and the mysteries are compelling. As Holmes might say, "Well done, Verbica, well done.""

Mark Rawlins,
Sherlock Holmes Actor

“The Missing Tales of Sherlock Holmes is a worthy addition to the Holmes pastiches - filled with challenging clues, great sleuthing, and
true to the legend of the great detective.
A "must read" for all Sherlockians. Well done!”

Charles F. Adams
Producer, Various Sherlock Holmes-based Plays, Author

"Verbica has an ear and a voice to give life to a new and lovable round of Sherlock Holmes. He has Dr. Watson in his full-time employ helping him write seven chilling stories that will give the
reader fulltime enjoyment. Bravo—A marvelous, fun, enjoyable tour de force by a writer as skilled as A.C.D."

John Swensson.
Author, Hollywood Film Producer, Former Dean, US Army (ret)