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Teach Your Preschooler To Read & Write (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
In this eBook an experienced Montessori teacher shows you a simple three-step process you can use at home to teach your 3-6 year old to read and write.

Most children experience a natural Sensitive Period for acquiring reading and writing skills between 3-6 years of age. This is the time when learning written language is the easiest and most natural for a child. Having a solid foundation in reading and writing prepares a child perfectly for early success in school.

Helping a young child learn to read and write is not difficult. This book shows clear, sequential materials and activities that make learning these skills natural and fun. You start by helping your child develop pre-reading and pre-writing skills using fun materials. This leads naturally into writing letters and numerals, and a simple three step sequence of activities for helping your child learn to read. You can do this!

Most of the materials use common, inexpensive items. Recommendations are also given for a selection of affordable Montessori and other materials for optional use, as well as for the very best tablet apps for reading and how to guide your child in using them.

Also included is a link to download a fantastic free set of 18 printable materials, including 8 from Montessori PrintShop which, if purchased separately, would cost twice the cost of the eBook.

Numerous links throughout the eBook connect you to the best online information sites, printable resources (most free), and videos to provide resources and help you understand the process. This feature alone saves you hundred of hours scouring the web for what you need.

For just $3.99, this eBook shows you how to give your child reading and writing skills that will last a lifetime. Get started today!