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ツクシ葉 100カプセル 海外直送品

価格: ¥2,980
カテゴリ: ヘルスケア&ケア用品
ブランド: ネイチャーズウェイ(Nature's Way)
英名:Horsetail Grass 440mg
NATURE's WAY Horsetail Grass is a supplementary product that infuses the beneficial factors of the Horsetail grass. This grass is known to hold potent levels of silica within its stems and which could be very useful to our health. Silica, used in a broken down version and well standardized for human consumption is very beneficial to our health. This mineral is known for its many benefits that assist our body function healthily and more efficiently. Silica inhibits the absorption of aluminum into the body and flushes out any traces of the mineral from our cells, limiting chances of one contracting Alzheimer's disease. NATURE's WAY Horsetail Grass also supports joint, cell, digestive and heart health. Silica also improves skin and hair health letting you look and feel younger for longer.