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Ethnography: Step-by-Step: 17 (Applied Social Research Methods)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: SAGE Publications, Inc

"Emphasis on the use of theory as a guide is excellent and cannot be stressed enough among students . . . . Ethical standards are comprehensively addressed. Any doubts the reader may have had are dispelled by the author's compelling arguments and illustrative examples."
—Patricia I. Documét, University of Pittsburgh

"The text has included most topics that I cover in my seminar with doctoral students and some that believe they will find helpful. One of those items an actual approach to writing a research proposal and distinctions between action research, policy research, and investigatory kinds of explorations."
—Barbara K. Curry, University of Delaware

The Third Edition of Ethnography: Step-by-Step guides readers in collecting and making sense of large amounts of ethnographic data. It also offers current discussion about the use of technology in the pursuit of ethnography. Fundamentally, however, it demonstrates how ethnography is more than a methodological approach. For David M. Fetterman, ethnography is a way of life.