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Internet Safety for Kids and Young Adults (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
The youth of the world today have grown up using technology and the Internet. Kids as young as 4 and 5 years old are learning how to get online and search for information or videos.

The ability to go online and connect with people and information from all across the globe is an awesome power to have. Unfortunately, that power is not always used for good. There are countless people out there with the intent of using the Internet to cause harm or steal your personal information. You probably heard of computer viruses and some other basic threats, but there are other threats to your safety and well-being that are a little less obvious, especially to today's youth who are so engrossed in the Internet that they are sometimes naive to the dangers lurking in the shadows of cyberspace.

Internet Safety for Kids and Young Adults delves into a number of important safety issues that face kids and teens while working and playing on the Internet. Topics include Cyber-bullying, Texting and Sexting, Internet Addictions, Sexual and Online Predators, Identity Theft, Online Scams, Viruses and Spyware, Mobile Device Security, Online Reputation and even Copyright and Plagiarism.

These topics are very important to anyone who uses the Internet, however this book is written to speak directly to the kids themselves. There are tons of books out there to teach parents how to talk to their kids about the importance of staying safe online, but very few that are geared towards the kids themselves. This book changes that. It is written in straight-forward language and gets right to the point without sugar coating the details.