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Can You Hear Me? Tuning in to the God who Speaks (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Brad Jersak - Fresh Wind Press
Have you heard God's voice? Seen God's face? Felt God's touch? God desires to transform your prayers into intimate conversations, real meetings with a Living Friend. In this book, Brad Jersak lays out the biblical foundation for the practice of 'listening prayer.'
CAN YOU HEAR ME? combines biblical and historical research, inspiring testimonies, and 33 spiritual exercises--all to train people to hear God more clearly... or rather, to help them discover that they already do.

Chapters include discussions on many themes relevant to our spiritual eyes and ears, including thirteen chapters in three sections:

I. The Simplicity of Listening Prayer
1. My Sheep Hear My Voice
2. Awakened Hearts: How we hear and see God
3. God, is that really you?
4. Was that just my imagination?
II. Encountering God: The Meeting Place of Your Heart
5. The Meeting Place
6. Meeting God to intercede
7. Overcoming Blocks to Meeting God
III. The Life of Listening Prayer
8. Listening Prayer in Decision Times
9. Listening Prayer with Children
10. Listening Prayer in the Local Church
11. Listening Prayer and Outreach
12. Listening Prayer, Mercy and Justice
13. Listening Prayer for Inner Healing
Epilogue: Do you want to start a fire?

The 2012 edition, first out on Kindle, includes a foreword by Jason Upton and an appendix entitled "The biblical basis for listening prayer."

For the first time, it also includes a study guide after each chapter for group or personal study.