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Myth of the Millennial: Connecting Generations in the Church

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Concordia Publishing House
In Myth of the Millennial, authors Rev. Ted and Chelsey Doering, Millennials themselves, invite churches to stop hitting the panic button and trying anything and everything to get Millennials to stay in or come back to church. Because connecting with the Millennial generation - their generation, their peers - is simpler than it seems. And don't worry, they won't prescribe expensive building renovations or a new wardrobe for your pastor.

They do, however, explore common millennial stereotypes in the hopes of helping other generations better understand this lost generation. They also offer ideas on how to build strong intergenerational relationships to better equip Boomers and Gen-Xers to engage a generation that is generally apathetic and disinterested in the Church. Because, ultimately, all this talk about Millennials and generations is not about upping church attendance for the sake of numbers; it’s about one generation leading another to Christ.