Back from Burnout (English Edition)
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Dr. Frank Gabrin is a practicing emergency physician and two time cancer survivor who’s frustrations and triumphs on both sides of the stethoscope have lead him to transform his medical practice and his live with just one word: care.
In his first book, Back from Burnout: Seven Steps to healing from Compassion Fatigue and Rediscovering (Y)our Heart of Care, Dr. Frank Gabrin shares what he has learned is the root of the problem in healthcare today: The myth of keeping our professional distance in order to be better caregivers. In its place, Dr. Gabrin teaches us that to do better we do not need to step back, but rather we need to take a step forward and connect with the hurting human in front of us. When we take this step forward, we engage the protocol of True Care, which is what will cause us on both sides of the stethoscope to feel better.
Back from Burnout gives you tools and techniques that, once understood and applied, allow you to create unlimited amounts of satisfaction for yourself, your peers and your patients by transforming your care into True Care. In doing so, you will be able to fin new meaning and purpose in what it is you are already doing.