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Olympic Weightlifting: Cues & Corrections (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Catalyst Athletics
Daniel Camargo is a 24-year veteran of Olympic Weightlifting. After representing the USA in nine international competitions and setting three Junior American Records, he began coaching and is now a USA Weightlifting International Coach.

In this book, Camargo presents his approach to teaching lifters the snatch, clean and jerk, and provides clear, simple strategies for recognizing and correcting the most common technical errors in the Olympic lifts.

Includes an online library of training drill videos.

- Table of Contents -
Progressions: Introduction
Snatch Progressions
Clean Progressions
Jerk Progressions
Corrections & Cues: Introduction
Corrections & Cues: Snatch
Corrections & Cues: Clean
Corrections & Cues: Jerk

- Error Index -
- Snatch -
Jumping Forward
Early Arm Bend
Failing to drop under the bar
Hips rising faster than the bar or shoulders
Losing bar behind
Missing Power Position
Landing on Toes Instead of Flat Footed
Failure to Triple Extend
Donkey Kick
Throwing Head Back
Knees in the Way

- Clean -
Jumping Forward
Flipping the Bar into the Rack
Early Arm Bend
Failing to Drop under the Bar
Hips Rising Faster than the Bar or Shoulders
Missing Power Position
Landing on Toes Instead of Flat Footed
Failure to Triple Extend
Donkey Kick
Throwing Head Back
Knees in the Way
Crashing the Barbell

- Jerk -
Forward on Toes During Dip & Drive
Pressing Out
Bar Ends Past the Frontal Plane
Split Position Imbalance, Inconsistencies, or Discomfort
One Foot Strikes Before the Other in the Split Jerk
Losing Contact with the Bar During the Dip & Drive