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More Jokes 4 Mathy Folks (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Robert D. Reed Publishers
The description for the first book, Math Jokes 4 Mathy Folks, fits for his second book, More Jokes 4 Mathy Folks.

Who says math can’t be funny? In More Jokes 4 Mathy Folks as in Math Jokes 4 Mathy Folks, Patrick Vennebush dispels the myth of the humorless mathematician. His quick wit comes through in this incredible compilation of jokes and stories. Intended for all math types, both More Jokes 4 Mathy Folks and Math Jokes 4 Mathy Folks provide a comprehensive collection of math humor, each book containing over 400 jokes. This too is a book that all teachers from elementary school through college should have in their library. But the humor isn’t just for the classroom―it also appeals to engineers, statisticians, and other math professionals searching for some good, clean, numerical fun. From basic facts (“Why is 6 afraid of 7?”) to trigonometry (“Mathematical puns are the first sine of dementia”) and algebra (“Graphing rational functions is a pain in the asymptote”), no topic is safe. As Professor Jim Rubillo notes, “Math Jokes 4 Math Folks is an absolute gem for anyone dedicated to seeing mathematical ideas through puns, double meanings, and blatant “bad” jokes. Such perspectives help to see concepts and ideas in different and creative ways.”
If you took all the people who fell on the floor laughing when they read this book and laid them end-to-end, you’d have a very long line of people. It’d be a silly thing to do, but at least you’d know who to avoid at a cocktail party." ~ Gail Englert, Retired National Board Certified Teacher and NCTM Board Member 2002–05

"If you’re above the 90th percentile, you’ll chuckle or groan at all of the jokes in this book. If you’re above the 50th percentile, you’ll chuckle or groan at some of them. But if you find that you’re not chuckling or groaning at any of them, well…" ~ David Barnes, Associate Executive Director, NCTM

"Laughter is good for your health. Really, it is! That’s why I’m very glad that Patrick Vennebush has done it again! Take your own journey through MORE JOKES 4 MATHY FOLKS; but regardless of the path you take, you’ll smile, laugh out loud, and think about ways to use or adapt some of these jokes in your own classroom or personal repertoire." ~ Francis (Skip) Fennell, Professor Emeritus, McDaniel College, and Past President AMTE and NCTM

"While everyone loves to laugh, most people wouldn’t expect that to take place in a math classroom. This book fixes that problem with humor that kids and adults will chuckle about. Check out these jokes out, and share them with your students and colleagues!" ~ Robert Kaplinsky, Math Teacher Specialist, Downey Unified School District
"Patrick Vennebush proves why he will never be eaten by cannibals―he would surely taste funny. The second volume of mathy jokes will bring smiles to the faces of teachers and groans from students when you use these jokes in class!" ~ Fred Dillon, Institute for Learning, University of Pittsburgh

"Vennebush never fails to entertain! His work is worthy of a limerick:
Patrick was faster than most folks
In learning a collection of math jokes.
They roll off his tongue
Faster than bells that have rung,
So he published some books for us slow pokes."
~ Johnny Lott, Professor Emeritus,University of Montana, and NCTM President 2002–04