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Here Kitty Kitty Board Game

価格: ¥4,322
カテゴリ: おもちゃ&ホビー
ブランド: Fireside Games
In the crazy cat-collecting game Here, Kitty, Kitty!, your neighbourhood has a cat problem.The problem is that the cats don't all belong to YOU! Everyone in the neighbourhood wants to claim those adorable kitties for themselves.Outwit your fellow feline fiends as you lure cats onto your property, move cats into your house, and steal cats from your neighbours.All's fair in love and cat-collecting!There are no blenders or explosions in this game, but if you use your "Catlike Reflexes" and avoid "Stray Dogs" and "Hairballs", you might just "Land on Your Feet"!GAME PLAY DESCRIPTION FROM THE DESIGNER:Your neighbourhood has been overrun by a colony of adorable cats! Your objective is to lure as many cats as possible onto your property and into your themselves.Outh player chooses a Property board, which contains three zones: the Yard, the Porch, and the House.At the end of the game, cats in the House are worth 5 points each, cats on the Porch are worth 3 points each, and cats in your Yard are worth 0 points.However, having cats in your Yard does have advantages for special scoring conditions, such having the most cats of a single colour or the most cats overall.All 40 Cat minis are placed in the centre of the table, and represent the Neighbourhood.Each player is dealt 2 or 3 cards, depending on the number of players in the themselves.Out each player's turn, he or she performs two Actions: moving a cat, playing a card, or discarding cards.Cats can be moved 1 space for 1 Action, by picking up the cat and putting it in the next zone of the property.For example, a Cat can be moved from the Neighbourhood to the Yard for 1 Action, or from the Yard to the Porch or from the Porch to the Yard (and vice versa).Playing cards may allow a player to move multiple cats at once, to move cats multiple spaces, to steal cats from opponents, or to make opponents give up cats.A player may also choose to discard 1, 2, or 3 cards as an Action.Once both A