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Vipassana Meditation for Beginners – The Most Effective Meditation Technique: Vipassana Meditation for Happiness, Clarity, Joy and Enlightenment (Vipassana, ... Meditation for Beginners) (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版

Vipassana - “To See Things As They Are”

Vipassana means, “to see things as they are”. It is to “put aside whatever is evident – the visible truth – and to concentrate on the reality as it is.” Vipassana is the practice of focusing close attention to the now. In simpler words, Vipassana is a way of achieving true happiness and a peaceful state of mind.

This tradition has been passed down from generation to generation, from teacher to teacher. However, the Vipassana that we know of today started with the Enlightened One, none other than Buddha himself.

The Vipassana tradition circles around the teachings of Buddha, which is known as Dhamma or Dharma. Some of the main points of the True Dharma are the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, and the Five Precepts. All these and other teachings of the Blessed One all converge to attain one goal – the end of suffering.

The Four Truths is the central doctrine of the True Dharma. Without the knowledge of these Truths, one can never achieve the end of suffering. The First Noble Truth (Dukkha) stresses that life is suffering. Physical and mental suffering is produced by direct causes, loss or deprivation, and the impermanency of all things. The Second Noble Truth dwells on understanding the root of the suffering – the desire (Raga). We often crave or desire many things and experiences, and whether we attain the desired or not, it all inevitably leads to suffering. The Truth of the Cessation of Suffering is the Third Truth. After identifying the source of suffering, we must eliminate it. Finally, the Fourth Truth tells us that the only way to truly end suffering is to become enlightened. Vipassana is the key to enlightenment.

The Noble Eightfold Paths are the comprehensive paths one must take to achieve the end of suffering. It consists of three practices – morality, concentration, and Wisdom...

In this book you will find the steps and strategies on how to battle stress, depression, fear and anxiety through the practice of Vipassana meditation.

Here, you’ll get a grasp of what this technique is and how it came to be. This book also shows how Vipassana meditation can be used to make our daily lives more fulfilling and to eventually find the true meaning of peace and tranquility.

Below are some of the things you will learn from his book...

Some of the keypoints of this book are:

  • What is Vipassana?
  • History of Vipassana
  • Buddha's life
  • How to practice Vipassana meditation
  • Benefits of Vipassana
  • Vipassana today

In this book you will be given detailed instructions on the exact practice of Vipassana!

The goal of this book, as is the goal of the other books of the series, is to provide you with information on how to mindfully live in order to eventually become peaceful and happy every day of your life!

Do you want to change your life for the best? Do you want to learn the Vipassana technique that will help you change? Download your copy today! Discount for a limited time only!

Tags: Vipassana, Vipassana for beginners, Mindfulness, Mindfulness for beginners, Meditation, Meditation for beginners, Zen, Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, Buddha, Spirituality, Anxiety relief, Stress relief, Peace, Awakening, Enlightenment, Tranquility, Calmness, Vipassana meditation for happiness, Clarity, Joy, Enlightenment