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The Inspiring Teacher (English Edition)

価格: ¥0
カテゴリ: Kindle版
ブランド: Funderstanding LLC
Why Read The Inspiring Teacher?

The Inspiring Teacher is for every educator aspiring to create a meaningful professional identity and positively impact the lives of their students. Whether you're already teaching, training to become a teacher, or thinking about a career in education, The Inspiring Teacher is for you if you want more than just a job. It is for those committed to making a difference.

The Inspiring Teacher includes teaching strategies and teaching methods to implement in your class, regardless of the level you teach.  This teacher training resource will help and inspire both beginning and veteran educators.

Parents, do you want your kids to internalize what you value and behave responsibly even when no one is watching and there is no promise of a "Student of the Month" award or a "Good Boy/Good Girl" shouted in their direction? If so, The Inspiring Teacher is a valuable teaching resource for you as well. 

If you want to make a positive difference in the lives of students, The Inspiring Teacher is for you whether you're an educator, a teacher in training, or a parent.

The Inspiring Teacher is divided into two parts: Foundation and Application. 

Part I: Foundation offers an overview of motivation, brain-based learning, and developmental issues. 

Part II: Application provides teaching strategies and suggestions for teachers designed to: 

  • Inspire students to work hard and succeed academically;
  • Inspire colleagues, becoming models and leaders in their schools;
  • Build positive, collaborative relationships with parents; 
  • Manage conflict effectively, helping students and adults create win-win outcomes; and
  • Manage their time effectively so they have energy for those things that matter most. 

Every chapter of The Inspiring Teacher ends with a "Reflect, Personalize, & Implement" section, making it easy for teachers to engage in productive conversation and formulate specific plans that enhance their professional lives and improve their schools.  Schools need cost-effective professional learning opportunities that inspire more kids to work hard, succeed academically, and enjoy school. Reading and discussing The Inspiring Teacher represents one component of a comprehensive professional learning program. 

A Personal Note From The Author

Even though curriculum and instruction have improved dramatically since I began my career in education nearly 40 years ago, too many kids still drop out of school, particularly in urban areas. Despite the valiant efforts of educational leaders, too many kids who stay in school are disengaged, fail to achieve to their potential, and disrupt learning. Frustrated by the current state of education, parents in increasing numbers are turning to alternative educational opportunities for their kids.

Teachers, students, parents, educational leaders. Frustration is rampant. Sadly, virtually every attempt to improve education relies on the flawed belief that we need to "motivate" kids and that schools will improve dramatically if we simply raise standards and create more elegant variations of the "carrot and stick" model. We may dole out more carrots and use fewer sticks, but until we implement a new model, we'll continue to feel the pain of an educational system that can be so much better.

That's why I wrote The Inspiring Teacher. I provide a new way to understand motivation. Let's create schools that engage and inspire students rather than trying to control and manage them. Let's help kids set goals for themselves, evaluate their own performance, and take greater responsibility for their learning - and their lives. Let's help educators discover (or reclaim) the joy of preparing the next generation to take their place in our world. Teaching should be one the most joyful things we do. I wrote The Inspiring Teacher to help educators, students, and parents move forward joyfully and collaboratively.